PHILOSOPHY: “ To carry out the practice of natural and cultural preservation through environmentally sensitive mountain travel programs”

Services and Hotels - Cordilellera Blanca Adventures


Cordillera Blanca Adventures, excels in providing efficient services for group and individual travel, specialty groups, customized itineraries, conventional and adventure programs.

We carefully select transportation in comfortable vehicles according to your destination and itinerary. Information on the type of transport will be included in your detailed itinerary after you contact us to request a specific program. Internal transfers within regions and all tour destinations are in private cars and minivans. For adventure expeditions, we use comfortable four-wheel minivans, trucks or other vehicles adapted to the terrain with experienced professional drivers. Our vehicles carry First Aid Kit and oxygen.

Our staff members are experienced in planning and managing a variety of tours, including conventional sightseeing, natural history, archaeology, trekking, and mountain climbing expeditions. Our tour guides, tour leaders, trekking and mountain guides are experienced and highly qualified professionals. Their skills, efficiency, motivation, and enthusiasm in sharing the beauty and richness of their homeland are unsurpassed. Our mountain staff also includes native residents of the Huascarán preserve who are in constant training. We provide cooks, muleteers, porters and other necessary staff. Their knowledge of the mountain ecosystems, their love and strong sense of belonging to their mountain homeland are shared with their guests.

For natural history, archaeology, and soft adventure travel meals are according to itinerary, breakfast and lunch or box lunch. Upon request we provide dinners including the flavorful Peruvian dishes and international cuisine at group rates. For adventure travel we excel in providing nutritionally balanced and diverse menu. An energetic breakfast in the morning is followed by a freshly made lunch at midday or packed lunch to be carried in your daypack. Dinners are prepared with fresh organic produce by our specialized mountaineering cooks. All waters used in food preparation and drinks are boiled. Our food and water quality and our hygiene standards are the best.

Our camping equipment is comfortable, clean, and functional: three and four-season sleeping tents, dining tent furnished with stools and tables, kitchen tent with environmentally safe fuel, and toilet tent with toilet seats. All group camping equipment is supplied along with first aid kit, and portable solar shower. For hiking and climbing expeditions we use pack animals such as burros, horses or llamas to carry group and personal gear. Personal gear is not included; travelers should bring their sleeping bags, boots, daypack, glasses and others as needed. Upon request we will send you a suggested list of personal camping gear.

We have a selected roster of first class hotels and comfortable and cozy lodges in Lima, Huaraz, and all other destinations in Peru. Our lodging partners are efficient and follow high safety standards, and we keep daily contact with our tour leaders and guides. Most of our hotels in Huaraz provide great opportunities for magnificent panoramic views of the Cordillera Blanca's snow covered peaks overseeing the city of Huaraz and the Callejón de Huaylas Valley.

All hotels are very efficient and comfortable, good management and full services.

Andino Club Hotel: It is a modern hotel with balconies overlooking the mountains. Swiss management

El Patio Hotel: Modern Hostal built in the traditional Spanish style of an Andean town, identical to a colonial house in ancient Huaraz city.

Pastoruri Hotel: Modern Hotel with upper terrace as watchpoint overlooking the mountains.

Colomba Hotel: A typical colonial construction built as a family residence in the last century, and converted into hotel.

Monte Blanco hotel or similar : Basic hotel, with hot water, private bathroom

Lodge Family: These are rooms in a quiet family house with clean comfortable rooms with private bathrooms and hot shower

Your international flight will be arriving at, and departing from Lima, the capital city of Peru. If you need additional services in Lima or if you are planning to visit other destinations in Peru, please let us know your travel plans so that we may assist you.
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Headquaters: Los Nogales 108 Huaraz Perú - Phone:+51(43)421934 - Fax: +51 (43)423022 - email: