PHILOSOPHY: “ To carry out the practice of natural and cultural preservation through environmentally sensitive mountain travel programs”

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Classic Private Travel

Exciting Adventures

Cordillera Blanca Adventures

Peru’s pioneer in mountain ecotravel and cultural expeditions was established in 1984 to carry out the philosophy and practice of natural and cultural preservation through environmentally sensitive travel


The Cordillera Blanca, in the heart of the tropical Andes is Peru's showpiece, a wonderland of ice-encrusted peaks glistening against the bright blue sky. This iced-draped world rivals the Himalayas in alpine grandeur.

Protected by the Huascarán National Park, this mountain range encompasses many of the highest peaks of the Andes; scarcely a corner of the park lacks a dramatic view of towering peaks, precipitous gorges, hundreds of colorful lakes, and abundant wildlife.

The Cordillera Blanca runs parallel to the Cordillera Negra, forming the impressive Callejón de Huaylas Valley. Here, the Andean mountains have nurtured 12,000 years of cultural development from Guitarrero Cave to the highly developed Chavín de Huántar Culture. Chavín's monumental granite truncated pyramids, complex bas-relief carved sculptures and very sophisticated astronomical and religious system influenced all posterior cultures up to the Inca civilization.

The rural descendents of this people have remained virtually untouched, and numerous archaeological remains will give the traveler an opportunity to gain insight into the cultural achievement of a glorious past. Ceremonial remains, and even mummies found in the top of snow-capped peaks, recognizes Peruvians as the oldest climbers recorded in the history of mountaineering.

In the picturesque villages below the magnificent mountainscapes of the Cordillera Blanca and the Cordillera Huayhuash, we interact with friendly Quechua people sharing their cultural insights and traditions. This legendary land of great geographical and cultural contrasts is beyond your imagination!.

The astonishing natural environment of Peru is the cradle of South America's most magnificent and diverse cultures, which are widespread from the coastal plains to the high Andes and the Amazonian forest. The Andes nurtured over 20,000 years of Pre-Columbian evolution and spawned 21 major cultures.

The Moche Culture flourished in the coastal plains and created one of the most remarkable civilizations of the ancient world. The Royal Tombs of Sipán are great example of their exquisite metalwork, monumental adobe pyramids and sophisticated ceramic and textiles. Other cultures are Chimú, Vicus, Chachapoyas, Caxamarca, Gran Pajaten in the north, and Paracas, Nazca, Wari, Tiahuanaco, and the well-known Inca Culture in the south.
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