Northern Peru is a blend of natural and cultural wonders where outstanding pre-Inca cultures flourished on the arid coastal plains along the Pacific Ocean, and created some of the most remarkable civilizations of the ancient world.
In this journey through time you visit The Sacred City of Caral (2700 BC) one of the most ancient cultures and architectural complexes of Peru composed of 32 buildings such as pyramids, plazas, ceremonial sites, and residential areas; Chavín de Huántar the Ceremonial Temple(1000 BC) oldest and most advanced civilization with monumental granite pyramids, ceremonial plazas and platforms linked by stone-carved staircases such as the Lanzón Gallery with its supreme deity of Chavín. Sophisticated sculpture, fine ceramic and metalwork are outstanding. Visit to the the Callejón de Huaylas Valley and Llanganuco Canyon and lakes in the heart of Huascarán National Park, protecting the magnificent iced-peaks of the Cordillera Blanca such as Huascarán (6768m) and Huandoy (6395m). On the coastal plains you visit Sechín Temple (1500 BC) whose outside walls are covered with bas-relief carvings representing warriors and captives, human bodies in various positions, and human body parts; and the colonial city of Trujillo. Here you visit the great adobe pyramids of the Chimú Kingdom (AD 1000-1470) such as Huaca de la Luna and Huaca del Sol -Temples of the Moon and the Sun-; Huaca Arco Iris - Rainbow Temple-, and the ruins of Chan-Chán, the largest adobe city of the ancient world. At Huanchaco Beach you see traditional fishing from their “caballito de totora” reed boats. In Chiclayo, you visit the Royal Tombs of Sipán, one of the most important sites of the Moche Culture, whose people raised huge monuments of sun-baked mud to entomb the bodies of their nobles. After we visit the the Royal Tombs of Sipán, Sican and Brunning Museums, and experience exquisite metalwork, sophisticated ceramic and textiles of the Moche, Chimú and Lambayeque cultures, among others. We fly from Chiclayo to Lima. |